In 1940, Westinghouse unveiled their groundbreaking creation: Sparko, the mechanical marvel designed to be the perfect robotic companion. With a sleek chrome exterior and loyal electronic eyes, Sparko quickly became a beloved pet for his owner, a tech enthusiast named Richard. Together, they embarked on countless adventures, drawing the admiration of those around them.

However, tragedy struck one fateful day when Sparko, driven by unwavering loyalty, chased after Richard into the bustling streets. The vintage cityscape, filled with clunky automobiles, proved to be a perilous playground. Despite Sparko’s advanced sensors, he couldn’t anticipate the swift approach of a speeding vehicle.

The heart-wrenching collision marked the end of Sparko’s metallic journey, leaving behind memories of a pioneering robotic companion whose loyalty transcended the bounds of circuits and wires.


Supply : 1,000,000,000

Ownership : Renounced

Liquidity : Burned

Tax : 0%

Community-Driven Innovation

Sparko is more than just a project; it's a community. By holding Sparko Tokens, you actively participate in shaping the future of digital companionship. Your voice matters, and together, we'll create a world where technology enhances the human experience.

Decentralized Loyalty

Inspired by the loyalty of the original Sparko, our token operates on a decentralized network, ensuring that your digital companion remains faithful and secure. Trust in technology, backed by the power of the blockchain.

Join the Sparko Revolution

As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite you to be a part of the Sparko revolution. Together, we'll redefine companionship in the digital age, creating memories that transcend the bounds of circuits and wires.